Streamline and Operationalize Security and Privacy Initiatives

Streamline and Operationalize Security and Privacy Initiatives

Leading organizations are discovering how a protect first, filecentric approach fortifies data security and enhances data visibility to comply with privacy regulations like GDPR and CCPA. Now, learn how this approach simplifies implementation and operations to fast track your security and privacy initiatives. Today’s Data Loss Prevention (DLP) and data security analytics solutions are challenging […]

Data Visibility for Privacy and Security

Data Visibility for Privacy and Security

Organizations need better visibility into the use and movement of their sensitive data to meet privacy regulations and safeguard content. The best approach toward data privacy and protection is a self-reporting file method, that automatically traces, gathers and records all document interactions without reliance on disparate network, application, and device logs.   The same technology […]

Protect-First Approach To Data-Centric Security

Protect-First Approach To Data-Centric Security

Three predominant data-centric security methods There are three predominant methods in the market today to prevent loss and unauthorized access to sensitive unstructured data. Each is different and the best way to compare and contrast the methods is to understand what a vendor’s solution looks to defend and the primary data-centric tools used.   Today, […]

Six Vulnerable Points In Your Data Security Architecture

Six Vulnerable Points In Your Data Security Architecture

Do you know where you are most vulnerable? Now is the the time to check these key trends: 1. Hybrid and Multi-Cloud 2. Privacy 3. Insider Threat 4. Security Gaps 5. Remote Workforce 6. Third-Party Collaboration   Educate and empower your organization to stay one step ahead of hackers, cybercriminals, threat actors, and those with […]

What Unstructured Data is Sensitive

What Unstructured Data is Sensitive

“Threat actors are having more success with breaching and exfiltrating sensitive unstructured data.” Your organization’s sensitive unstructured data is a rapidly growing threat surface increasingly targeted by cybercriminals and threat actors. While more attacks are directed at structured databases, threat actors are having greater success in stealing sensitive unstructured data.   It’s because this type […]